Sir John Vavasour Timeline

👑1429 - 1471

Reign of Henry VI (November 1429 - June 1461; October 1470 - May 1471)




👑1461 - 1483

Reign of Edward IV (28th June 1461 - October 1470; May 1471 -April 1483)






Because of the instability of the Borders the northern counties were more highly militarized than those of the Midlands and South.  The greater knights who held lands in distant counties usually found it necessary to establish a second residence as a centre for the estate, and a political presence for its protection. Sergeants-at-law and other leading lawyers from northern gentry families, like John Vavasour, operated at Westminster, accumulated fees and retainers from many sources, and served on a variety of royal commissions. [5]

👑1483 - 1485

Reign of Richard III (6th July 1483 - 22nd August 1485)


👑1485 - 1509

Reign of Henry VII (30th October 1485 - 21st April 1509)

1485 - 1490


"A rude man who never loved to spend money went on a circuit in the North, having agreed that the sheriff should pay money for his expenses, so at every inn and lodging house that he stayed at he paid the charges himself.  At one lodging place, he instructed his servant, Turpin, to save any food that was left over and to carry it with him to serve at the next stop.  Turpin took the left-over bread, meat and everything else that was left and put it in his master’s cloth sack.  The wife of the house saw what he took, so she went and fetched the soup that was left in the pot and, when Turpin had turned his back, she poured the soup into the cloth sack.  It ran over his scarlet robe and other garments.  Turpin ran to his master and told him what she had done.  Vavasour called the woman and shouted at her, “What have you done?  Why have you poured soup in my cloth sack and ruined my clothes?”  The wife replied, “Oh sir, I know you are a judge of the realm and that you want to do what is right and to have all that is your own, to have everything that you have paid for.  As your servant took the meat and put it in your cloth sack, I have also put the soup that you left in there because you have well and truly paid for it.  If I should keep anything from you that you have paid for, you’d be bound to trouble me in the law another time.”!  



1505 - 1506


👑1509 - 1547

Reign of Henry VIII (24th June 1509 - 28th January 1547)



May 14, 1502. Dame Elizabeth Graystocke, widowe, late the wyfe of Sir John Vavasour knyght. To be buried in the chapel of our Lady, in the north side of the same chapell, as nygh unto the ymage of our Lady as conveniently may be, in the church and monastery of Sainte Elyne w'n Bisshoppesgate in London. To the high auter in the parisshe churche of St. Elyn, where nowe I am parisshener, xxs. A preest to say daily Masse, in our Lady chappell for x yeres for my soule, betwene our Lady Masse & the High Masse, &, after he hath saide Masse, to say a commemoracion of our Lady & of Bequiem wt De profundis, for my soule, my fathir & mothir soules & all 'Christen soules. I bequeth my silver bacyn & ewer to the Priores and Covent of Sainte Elyn, & they to doo Dvrige & Masse of Requiem ons every yere for my soule for X yeres ; & aftre the said x yeres, they to saye for me a lowe Dvrige and a lowe Masse of Requiem for ever. I bequeth my tablet of golde to Our Lady of Lincoln, & duringe the x yeres to have for Dirige & Masse iiij d. I bequeth my pece & cover of silver & gilte with okyn levys & xl s. to the Priour & Covent of Thornham, to pray specially for my soule. To their high awter vj s. viij d. To the abbey of Kyme xl s., to th'entent that they pray specially for my soule & my feither & mother soules, whose bonys resteth there w* theym. To my brother, Robert Tailboys, iiij mark. To my suster Mawde Turwit my cheyne & crosse of gold. To my cosyn Agnes hir doughter my colour of golde & xx mark to hir manage. To Amie Constable, to hir manage, xx mark. To Sir John Aston my pece wt the cover silver & gilte havinge in the bottom a shelde enamelled w^ iij owles. To Kateryne Hawte X mark. My housholde stuffe to be solde, & the money & the residue of my good to be dispoased for my soule & all Christen soules in doynge of Masses, acquitinge of pouer prisoners oute of prison, relevinge of ympotent people, blynde, and lame, & in other dedes of mercye & charitie."  Executors: Sir John Aston, preest, Kateryn Hawte, & (blank) & Maister Priour of Thomeolm supervisour.  [Pr. 16 July, 1609.]   [9]
