Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Reference MD175 - The Vavasour Papers at the Yorkshire Archaeological Society Archives consists of one archive box containing 1 small A5-sized packet, 2 large A4-size packets, and 1 large A5-sized envelope.
Letter: To Master George Vavasour, deliver this or in his absence to either of his two brethren, Andrew and Harry Vavasour, resident at the Middle Temple, dated at Calais 8 Jun 1556, Hugh Gills. [Latin and Secretary hand]
Receipt: for £50 by Robert Doweman to Sir Peter Vavasour, knt, dated 30 May 1558-9.
Bond: for £150, Roger Wetherall and Sir Thomas Lodge, knt, dated 2 Jul 1563. [Latin and English]
Bond: John Vavasour of Spaldington and others, 1 Jan 1566. [Latin and English]
Document type unclear: Michael Satehill, gent, and Henry Savyle, armiger, and Edward Savyle, armiger, of Spen Manor, Eastrington, dated 29 Sep 1566. [Chancery hand]
Roll 3: Inventory of the goods of George Vavasour of Spaldington, undated (1561?)
Indenture: between Ann Vavasour, widow of Spaldington, and John Abbot of Howden, butcher, dated 29 Oct, 11 Eliz I. (1569) [English, small seal]
Roll 4: Inventory of the goods of Ann Vavasour, widow of Spaldington, dated 6 Feb 1570
Modern handwritten note: Lease under the Great Seal, dated 18 May 13 Eliz (1571), to Peter Vavasour, esq. The Mansion of the Rectory of Bubwith + 2 oxgangs of land there, formerly of Byland Abbey, also tithes in Spaldington and Willitoft, parcels of the Rectory of Aughton.
Indenture: between Peter Vavasour, gent of Willitoft, and Robert Skipwith, husbandman, and Agnes his wife of Willitoft. Dated 10 Apr 1576.
Document type unclear: Thomas Byrkesthaw of Stockton, Yorks, and William Skipwith of Willitoft.
Licence of Alienation: from the Right Hon. George, Earl of Cumberland, to Adam Harrison, dated 2 Mar 1584.
Deed: granted to Peter Vavasour, armiger, and others. Monastery of Byland, Ellerton Priory, Bubwith, Aughton, Spaldington and Willitoft all mentioned, dated 30 Jun 1585.
Deed: Adam Harrison to John Hudson, re. Lamonbye Hall, Cumberland, dated 8 April 1594
Deed: Adam Harrison to John Hudson, re. Lamonbye Hall, Cumberland, dated 8 April 1594
Deed: Robert Dolman, armiger, of Gunby; and Peter Vavasour, generosus, of Willitoft, dated 2 Nov 1595 [Latin, small seal]
Indenture: between Adam Harrison of Lammonbye, generosus, and John Hudson of Bowtherbeck, Cumberland, dated 1 Dec 1596. [Latin, small seal] [1]